Frequently Asked Questions
Here you will find the answer to the most frequently asked questions about Dialoguer.
How do I integrate Localization into a project using Dialoguer?
Dialoguer is not a localization tool, and as such, it does not include
any localization tools. That said, using an external localization tool
is very easy with Dialoguer. Most localization tools use a Key->Value
system, where you use the Key to look up a value from a table, and the
system returns the value based on the user's language settings. In
Dialoguer, simply use the Key inside the dialogue text boxes. Then, in
your GUI controller that you create for your own GUI, use the returned
DialoguerTextData.rawText as your Key in your localization system to get
the localized text, then use the localized text in your GUI controller.
How do I hide dialogue choices based on variables?
In the TextNode and BranchedTextNode is a checkbox called advanced. Check that box, and you will see a metadata
field. In this field, you can place whatever text you'd like. In this
case, you can use a simple key->value formatted string like so: "1:lockpick:20, 2:boolIsTrue:3"
- Then, in your onTextPhase method of your GUI controller, this
metadata can be parsed, and used to hide/show your branched text choices
based on specific properties. This given string for example would hide
choice 1 if the player's lockpicking skill was below 20 AND only show choice 2 if global boolean 3 is true.